Efflorescense coming from the wall and floor joint. This along with the mosture evidence on the basement wall lead us to improving the drainage to fix this issue.
More evidence of moisture and efflorescence.
Efflorescence and mositure taking its toll on these walls.
Remove approximatley 8-12" of concrete from the perimeter. This application also added a new sump pump location to remove the water all together.
The lower end of the trench is filled with pea stone leading the water to the sump pump.
This dimple board is used to ensure that the moisture coming though the wall goes into the new drain.
Pea stone is used to bring back to the original grade below the concrete floor.
Everything is draining like we want. Now its time to pour the concrete back into this trench.
All finished and ready to use.
This space will feel much drier moving forward, and the homeowner will have peace of mind that the mosture around their foundation is being properly redirected.