We aren't talking about how nice your neighbor hood is or what side of town you live in, we want to know where that town is located. This is a big country and weather can be drastically different over the course of just a few dozen miles, and the weather in South East Michigan is no exception. Taking weather into consideration and how to protect your outdoor kitchen from extreme elements will set you up for success during planning. Options like covered or partial covered patios and the materials you use while building will also play a major factor in when and how you enjoy your outdoor kitchen area.
There are many reasons, like weather stated above, that will help in you decide what materials are best for your project. Of course we are huge proponent of materials like concrete, brick, and stone when planning your project, but really who wouldn't be? This is going to be a new permanent addition to your home and should be built for long term use like any kitchen. Being a permanent fixture of your home means this outdoor kitchen should also compliment your home. Using similar materials that match the exterior of your home in collaboration with masonry materials will ensure a functional and beautiful outdoor kitchen area.
What you plan to do with your new outdoor kitchen area will help further determine the key features you need to budget for. Most homeowners that invest in an outdoor kitchen usually fancy themselves a pretty good cook and will be able to maximize time with family and friends by not being isolated inside while everyone else is outdoors. Coincidentally, this is the same reason a not so seasoned cook can benefit from kitchen elements closer to your outdoor action. You might not be prepping an extravagant meal, but those oh so delicious frozen burger patties will be cooked to perfection in style...who knows it might even make them taste better.
Contact us today and learn more about expanding your homes footprint with an
outdoor kitchen or outdoor entertaining area